After posting my blog and opening up about my eating disorder, it got me really excited to share the next piece of my brand with you. After numerous visits with my dietician specialists, hashing out the tough stories and working through weekly goals, I came to the root issue and began to identify where all …
Eating Disorders – What to Look Out For
So, now that we are all here, let’s discuss a little about what has brought me here in the first place: My Eating Disorder. I know! I know! Not the most body exhilarating topic, however, it is important to set the groundwork for why I am here so heart and soul into promoting body positivity. …
Jean or hate?
As I slipped on my jean shorts this morning, ones I haven’t put on since July, I couldn’t help but notice how tight fitting they were around my legs. They barely would pull up over the booty. Hmm. I thought for a minute. Then, I remembered a conversation I had with a friend not too …
My Body Story
Initially when deciding on a topic for this website it was hard to decide if I wanted to open up about this side of myself for others to see. Discussing the concept of body image in society can be a very vulnerable, touchy subject to many people. So with that being said I’m …
Welcome To Be Ur Beautiful
Hi everyone and welcome to Be Ur Beautiful! I’m Sophia Gallimore, the content creator for this website! I am so excited to share with you my story and introduce you to ideas that I believe have the power to stimulate a true body accepting society. As social media becomes increasingly popular among generations, so has …