As I slipped on my jean shorts this morning, ones I haven’t put on since July, I couldn’t help but notice how tight fitting they were around my legs. They barely would pull up over the booty. Hmm. I thought for a minute. Then, I remembered a conversation I had with a friend not too long ago about our mutual detest for jean shorts. Lets just all be real for a moment. Who else has a tough relationship with jean shorts? Yeah, cause me too. I have struggled and struggled to find a pair that fit me decently. Most of the time I opt to not even go through the stress of wearing them. If I do it’s always just me trying to convince myself I actually do like these tight fitting, suffocating pieces of clothing that always have me feeling self conscious by the end of the day. I end up questioning why I even wore them in the first place, especially if all day I am constantly having to tug at them to make them fit “right”. The word uncomfortable, doesn’t even begin to describe the tight squeeze and bulging when you sit down. Ladies, I am taking this moment to preach my long time hate for jean shorts but always wanting to wear them because they are cute! So, instead of hating on myself for the shorts fitting tight on my thighs, I walked away from the mirror and out the door to take on the day in my jean shorts. “Hahahah take that!!” I scream to that little voice trying to tell me to take them off and wear sweatpants. Trust me, if you have the jean shorts bulge you’re not the only one. It’s so overwhelmingly normal to have skin that protrudes in tight clothing. Our bodies are made to do this. We can’t fit perfectly into every piece of clothing we put on. Our bodies are not made to adapt in that way. So quit trying to make those jeans shorts fits and stop feeling shame when they don’t. Why not just embrace it? Embrace that damn bulge and open up to the reality that the majority of us have it and deal with it too. Wear the shorts and rock em while you’re at it💜
If you hate jean shorts too, join in the conversation! What clothing makes you feel insecure? Together lets rid the shame of letting clothes determine our mood and embrace the body for what it is.
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